The darkstat export format was designed by Ben Stewart. Note that all integers are stored in network order (big-endian). FILE HEADER 0xDA314159 darkstat export format SECTION HEADER 0xDA 'H' 'S' 0x01 hosts_db ver1 HOST COUNT 0x00000001 1 host follows For each host: HOST HEADER 'H' 'S' 'T' 0x04 host ver4 ADDRESS FAMILY 0x04 Either 4 or 6. IPv4 ADDR 0x0A010101 IPv4 or for 0x06: IPv6 ADDR 0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 meaning IPv6 ::1 LASTSEEN 0x0000 0000 4800 0123 64-bit time_t meaning: 2008-04-12 00:24:03 UTC MACADDR 0x001122334455 00:11:22:33:44:55 HOSTNAME 0x09 "localhost" 9 is the string length IN 0x0000000000123456 Bytes in: 1193046 OUT 0x0000000000789ABC Bytes out: 7903932 PROTOS DATA 'P' start ip proto data IP PROTO COUNT 0x03 3 ip_proto entries IP PROTO 0x06 tcp IN 0x0000000000123456 Bytes in: 1193046 OUT 0x0000000000789ABC Bytes out: 7903932 IP PROTO 0x11 udp IN 0x0000000000000444 Bytes in: 1092 OUT 0x0000000000000555 Bytes out: 1365 IP PROTO 0x01 icmp IN 0x0000000000000001 Bytes in: 1 OUT 0x0000000000000002 Bytes out: 2 TCP DATA 'T' start tcp proto data TCP PROTO COUNT 0x0001 1 tcp_proto entry PORT 0x0050 http (port 80) SYN COUNT 0x0000000000000003 SYNs: 3 IN 0x0000000000000001 Bytes in: 1 OUT 0x0000000000000002 Bytes out: 2 UDP DATA 'U' start udp proto data UDP PROTO COUNT 0x0001 1 udp_proto entry PORT 0x0045 tftp (port 69) IN 0x0000000000000001 Bytes in: 1 OUT 0x0000000000000002 Bytes out: 2 REMOTE TCP DATA 't' (as above) REMOTE UDP DATA 'u' (as above) SECTION HEADER 0xDA 'G' 'R' 0x01 graph_db ver1 LAST_TIME (time_t as 64-bit uint) For each of 4 graphs: (60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours, 31 days) 8 bits - number of bars in this graph 8 bits - index of last_time bar, in the range [0:n_bars) For each bar: 64 bits - bytes in 64 bits - bytes out Host header version 1 is just version 2 without the lastseen time. Host header version 2 is just version 3 without the address family byte (or the possibility of an IPv6 address). Host header version 3 is just version 4 without the remote TCP and UDP ports.