Hello World in SPARC Assembler

(assuming your SPARC is running Solaris)


	.section	".text"
	.global		_start
	mov	4,%g1			! 4 is SYS_write
	mov	1,%o0			! 1 is stdout
	set	.msg,%o1		! pointer to buffer
	mov	(.msgend-.msg),%o2	! length
	ta	8

	mov	1,%g1			! 1 is SYS_exit
	clr	%o0			! return status is 0
	ta	8

	.ascii	"Hello world!\n"

$ as hi.s
$ ld -o a.out -dn -s hi.o
$ ./a.out
Hello world!

Linker flags

These aren't strictly necessary, but make the resulting executable a lot smaller:

-dn = produce a static (i.e. not dynamically linked) binary
-s = strip symbol and debugging information

What the code does

We use two system calls - write() then exit().
To use a system call:

You can find the syscall numbers in /usr/include/sys/syscall.h

Arguments for SYS_write:
%o0 - file descriptor to write to
%o1 - pointer to buffer
%o2 - length of string

Arguments for SYS_exit:
%o0 - return status

Synthetic Instructions

To set a register to point to a memory location, we have an interesting situation. The register is 32 bits wide, the memory location is 32 bits wide, and all our instructions are 32 bits wide, so we actually need two instructions to initialize the register.

set const, %reg is a "synthetic instruction" that the assembler expands into:

	sethi	%hi(const), %reg
	or	%reg, const, %reg

A few other synthetic instructions:

mov %reg1, %reg2 is actually or %g0, %reg1, %reg2.
On the SPARChitecture, global register zero always has value zero.

To zero out a register, we used clr %reg. What the assembler actually produces is or %g0, %g0, %reg.

SPARC's idea of a nop is sethi 0, %g0

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